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0116 2415105 Arbor

‘Through God’s love, we are the rich soil where
roots grow and seeds flourish.’ Luke 8:4-15

Enabling children to flourish and succeed


Welcome everyone,


We are a busy, friendly school, with lots going on. This website aims to give you a taster of the school, as well as providing up to date information for parents, pupils and the wider community.


We hope that you enjoy your visit to our website, and that you find the information you are looking for. Please feel free to contact the school direct with any queries you may have or if you would like paper copies of anything on the website.



St Luke’s Primary School is an aspirational, purposeful school with very dedicated staff who care about the needs of every child. We offer a stimulating environment which develops each child's academic, physical and social potential. Children shine at St. Luke’s and have fun. We are a school at the forefront of educational development, but one that retains all that is tried, tested and effective in the education of our children.


Our curriculum builds a community of learners with an excellent attitude to learning in a safe and caring environment. The curriculum is engaging, exciting and relevant to the children at our school and aims to prepare our children for life in modern Britain.

Our curriculum is driven by a desire for our children to have a greater knowledge of the world and an awareness of the possibilities open to them in their future lives and careers, hence our vision:


Our aim is to promote aspirational, independent children who are happy, respectful and have self-belief.


We want all children to become creative, active and reflective learners, enabling them to be able to respond positively to the opportunities and challenges of a rapidly changing world and promote a commitment to lifelong learning.


In a very busy and hectic world, it is important for us to stop and remember the qualities we wish our children to grow with. The proverb, “It takes a village to raise a child” is true, and we are proud of the community we have at St Luke’s with whom we take care to work alongside.


Our vision is founded on St Luke’s parable of the Sower, where, Through God’s love, we are the rich soil where roots grow and seeds flourish. Luke 8:4-15


To fulfil these aims, as a whole school community, we strive to show our values of:


  • Kindness – we will show consideration and try to do the right thing for others

  • Thankfulness – we will appreciate what God has given us and what others do for us

  • Forgiveness – we will not hurt back if we have been hurt

  • Aspiration – we will aim to be the best we can be

  • Perseverance – we will not give up when things are difficult


We appreciate you taking the time to look at our website and we hope you enjoy this window into your child’s education. There is much to celebrate at our school but we never stand still and we are always keen to make further improvements to ensure St Luke’s is always the very best that it can be.


Thank you very much.
