Class Information/Letters
Things to be brought into school
A book bag, labelled water bottle, labelled PE kit in a drawstring bag to be kept in school, labelled wellies, a coat and a packed lunch if that is your lunch choice for your child at lunch times.
PE – Tuesday morning
Your child will be getting dressed and undressed in the classroom with support from us when it is our PE day. This helps with building independence as well as gross and fine motor skills. Please ensure all jewellery is removed at home and hair is tied back. We cannot provide tape for earrings or to cover any other type of jewellery. Please label all PE clothing and uniform with your child’s name to avoid lost clothes. Your child needs a plain white t-shirt, plain black shorts or jogging bottoms and plimsoles in a drawstring bag.
It is really important that reading continues daily in EYFS. The children have now learnt all initial sounds, and we are learning how to manipulate them to create 4 and 5 letter words such as ‘crab’ or ‘drink’. Your child needs to be fluent in segmenting and blending CVC words in order to be able to read and write more complex words. Please continue to keep up with reading at least 3 times a week. Please continue to help your child to speak in full sentences when describing and discussing the pages and support your child to ‘say the sounds and read the word’ when word books have been given. Please continue to keep up with reading at least 3 times a week. Any time you have read with your child, please date, sign and write a comment in the diary which we will then check. They do not have to finish the book in 1 day. They could read 1 page on one evening, 2 pages another evening and back to 1 page on the third evening. We will move your child’s face on our reading chart every time you hear them read at home. If your child has read 3 or more times in a week, they will receive 1 house point on their sticker chart. We also advise that your child reads their book twice, in order to develop fluency and practise answering questions as part of reading comprehension. We will hear all children read during the week.