Our Curriculum
Summer 2
English | Writing to inform- letter/ recount- newspaper Poems to perform Learning the possessive apostrophe (singular) [for example, the girl’s book] Using an apostrophe for contraction [e.g. don’t, can’t] Correctly applying commas in a list. |
Maths | Recapping all content Preparing for Year 3- column addition and subtraction |
Geography | Local area study |
Music | Exploring Improvisation/’Our big concert’ |
RE | Who is Jewish and what do they believe? |
PE | Athletics Team building |
Learning for life | Being my best/Growing and changing |
DT | Cooking – Crumbles |
Science | Plants |
Computing | Spreadsheets Tech outside of school |
Summer 1
- English
- Traditional tales with a twist. Little Red, Hansel and Gretel and Rapunzel.
- Narrative writing.
- Sentences with different forms: statement, question, exclamation, command
- Learning to spell more words with contracted forms using an apostrophe.
- Learning the possessive apostrophe (singular) [for example, the girl’s book]
- Maths
- Time
- Position and direction
- Statistics
- Science
- Plants
- Art
- Pattern and texture
- Music
- Exploring Improvisation
- PE
- Fitness
- Sending and receiving
- RE
- Who is Jewish and what do they believe?
- Learning for life
- Rights and responsibilities
- Being my best
Spring 2
- English
- Information texts
- Recount- Diary
- Book- Toby and the Great Fire of London- Margaret Nash and Jane Cope
- Maths
- Capacity
- Temperature
- Fractions
- History
- The Great Fire of London
- Music
- Recognising different sounds
- RE
- Why does Easter matter?
- DT
- Sewing the rainbow
- Computing
- Coding
- PE
- Dance
- Sending and receiving
- Learning for life
- Rights and responsibilities
Autumn 2
- English
- Narratives- Quest stories
- Instruction texts
- Books- Lost and Found/The Way Back Home- Oliver Jeffers
- Maths
- Addition and Subtraction to 100
- Shape
- Money
- History
- Victorian Life
- Explorers
- Science
- Keeping Healthy - Animals including humans
- Geography
- London Over time
- Music
- Dynamics and tempo- How does music teach us about the past?
- RE
- How and why do we celebrate special and sacred time? Diwali focus.
- Enquiring into advent calendars.
- Computing
- Algorithms
- Coding
- Animated stories
- PE
- Gymnastics
- Ball skills
- Learning for life
- Valuing differences
- DT
- Wacky races (car design)
Autumn 1
- English
- Narratives- Descriptive stories
- Letter writing
- Books- Ruby's worry, The Colour Monster and Dogs Don't Do Ballet
- Maths
- Place value- Numbers to 100
- Addition and Subtraction to 100
- History
- Local history- Our village
- Science
- Habitats
- Geography
- Continents
- Art
- Henri Rousseau
- Music
- Pulse, rhythm and pitch
- RE
- Creation- Who made the world?
- Computing
- Coding
- Online safety
- PE
- Throwing and catching skills
- Multi Skills- target games
- Learning for life
- Me and my relationships