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‘Through God’s love, we are the rich soil where
roots grow and seeds flourish.’ Luke 8:4-15

Enabling children to flourish and succeed


Homework 14th June

Go to your 2DOs on Purple Mash. You will find a Science activity about States of Matter.

Homework 8 June

Keep up with the times tables quick recall practice!

Our Science topic is 'States of Matter'. You could do some research about how heat can affect this and why. Bring it into class and share with your class.

Homework 24 May 2023

As our Times tables test will be soon after the half term break, please practice using the 'Sound Check' as often as possible over the break.

There is also a boys vs girls tournament for the week on TTRS!


Choral Event Tickets 22.5.23 - Please use the QR code to purchase tickets for our Choral event on Tuesday 27th June 2023

Maths homework 17.5.23

This week we have started looking at fractions as decimals. It can be tricky!!

Go to your 2DOs on Purple Mash for some Maths challenges. Good luck!

Punctuation homework task 26.4.23



Year 4 will have PE sessions every Monday and Wednesday for the Summer term. 



Wednesday 29th March

For the next 2 weeks, enjoy your Easter Break!

If you visit somewhere special, maybe write about it. 

Keep up with your times tables on TTRS!

Homework 22nd March

In class we have been working on mixed and improper fractions.

Go to Purple Mash and you will find 2 Fraction activities in your 2Dos

Homework 15th March

Write a newspaper report to explain what happened in the Viking raid on Lindisfarne in 793AD.

Can you think of a catchy headline? Can you explain what happened in an exciting way? Think of an eye-witness quote.


Maths Pre-learning activity (trial)


This week we have been working hard to support the class to understand how to use improper fractions and mixed numbers.


Therefore, we have sent a Key learning Maths sheet to help prepare the children understand how to convert mixed numbers to improper fractions in further detail. This lesson will be taught on Thursday 16th March. We have encouraged the children to read through the questions if they are unable to answer them due to after school commitments . However; children can answer one or two questions if they would like too/have time. These questions can also be completed as their morning activity, please remind them to bring back the activity sheet. 



Homework 8.3.23


This week we have been learning about Viking Gods and Goddesses.

Why not research a Viking God or Goddess not covered in our lesson and create a poster to share with the class?

Homework - 1.3.23


We have set a '2do' on Purple Mash to complete. The activity has been set in preparation for next week's learning on how to compare and order fractions. 


Times-tables: Well done to those of you who are playing the games on Purple Mash and on TTRS. House points have been awarded. 





Half term homework - 13.2.23


Remember to spend some time revising your Spellings and Times - tables for the first Monday back after half term. There are many games to play on Purple Mash to support your Times - table knowledge. Try to play TTRS at least twice in the holidays too. Lastly, don't forget to enjoy the holidays and rest with your family and friends. 


Any Bakers in Year Four? 

It has come to our attention that the Junior Bake Off are looking for budding bakers for their next series. If your child is interested log onto to apply. 


Have a lovely half term break. 


Homework - 8.2.23


As preparation for our next Maths block on Fractions we have set a "2do" on Purple Mash. The children will need to read fractions as words so may need some support to start off with. There are three levels of the game: Rookie, Master and King. 


Thank you to those who have attended the Times - table meeting this week so far. Your support and engagement is extremely important. 



Homework 3.2.23


This week in Maths the children have started learning about length and perimeter. We have set two "2do's" on Purple Mash. Your child can choose to complete one or both. Please remind your child to focus on the vocabulary within the questions.


We are finishing our topic in Geography about Coasts and will move onto our Science block of Electricity soon.  

Homework 25.1.23


This week we have been completing our multiplication and division block in Maths. We have taught the children various strategies on how to divide including the Bus Stop Method.


On Purple Mash there are various '2do's' to help your child consolidate their learning and how to divide effectively. Please encourage your child to select one '2do' linked to a set times-table/s they need to develop. Please note - there are many '2do's' to choose from. Your child does not need to complete them all. 


Thank you for your support. 


Homework 18.1.23


This week we have been learning how to multiply a 2 digit number by a 1 digit number. The children have been learning how to show their exchanges and use the correct method. It is extremely important that your child revises their times tables where possible. In Year 4 there is a focus on the 6's, 7's, 9's and 12's linking to the Multiplication Times table Check which will take place in the Summer.  


Please spend some time with your child recalling their set times tables or the times tables mentioned above.  


We have set a multiplication game and a division game as '2do's' on Purple Mash. 


Thank you for your support. 

Homework - 13.1.23


We have set two Maths '2DOs' on purple mash as additional homework. Next week Year 4 will be learning how to multiply a 2-digit number by a 1 digit number, multiply a 3-digit number by a 1 digit number. We will then move onto division. 

Spring Term Geography Topic - Mediterranean Europe

This half term we will be looking at key places in Europe, climate, food and farming, landscapes and settlements.

You can research this topic and bring in any pictures, facts or personal experience of visiting areas.



Happy New Year! 


Homework - A mixture of activities have been set on Spelling Shed and Purple Mash for your child to complete. Please remember pupils need to bring in their Mental Maths and Spelling books every Monday. If your child has moved to Mixed times tables, they will need to revise their 6's, 7's, 8's, 9's and 12's in preparation for their test. 


If your child is having trouble accessing any online resource, please let us know as soon as possible. 



Christmas break


During the Christmas period we would like the children to enjoy their time with family. Have fun, watch movies, go for a walk, make memories! We have set many '2do's' on Purple Mash which your child is welcome to explore and complete. Spelling shed also has the word list and a game to play.  Please remember to practice your times tables and spellings for the first week back. These tests will commence on Tuesday 3rd January 2023. 


We would also like to take this opportunity to thank you for all of your support this year and a special thanks for the generous gifts! Have a lovely Christmas break. See you in the New Year! 


Mrs Greer, Mrs Mitchell and Mrs Langton :D 



Weekly homework consists of:


  • Reading at least 3 times a week for 15 minutes (where possible to an adult) 
  • Revising weekly spellings and times tables 
  • Exploring online learning apps such as TTRS and Spelling Shed 


Additional research is encouraged on topics being taught in class. We often refer to independent research carried out by our pupils and praise their efforts. However, this is not compulsory. 
