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0116 2415105 Arbor

‘Through God’s love, we are the rich soil where
roots grow and seeds flourish.’ Luke 8:4-15

Enabling children to flourish and succeed


Scheme of Delegation 2023 - 2024

All schools have Governing Bodies. The governors are responsible for the policies and running of the school, with its day to day organisation and administration being delegated to the Head Teacher. There are opportunities for governors to undertake training to support their responsibilities in their role.


The Governing Body works in three main areas:

  • Strategic Planning - Working with the staff, the Governing Body engages in long term planning that ensures the school maintains its ethos and promotes actions that assist its long term successful development.
  • Acting as a 'Critical Friend' - The Governing Body monitors and evaluates the work of the school and asks challenging questions if it has any concerns. It also celebrates the school's successes and supports the children and staff in the school.
  • Monitoring and Evaluation - Being accountable for ensuring good quality education in the school the Governing Body notes improvements identified through the staff's substantial monitoring and evaluation work and feeds this information into its strategic planning.


Individual governors do not have any power but the Body acts collectively once decisions are made. Governors are elected from different parts of the community and share a common interest in the education and development of children in their school. They are not paid for their work but give up their time because they want to support the children and the school.  


Who are school Governors?

The governors are drawn from different parts of the school community which ensures that a sufficient diversity of views and experience is represented:

  • Parent governors are selected by election and are drawn from parents and carers of pupils at the school.
  • Staff governors are selected by election from teaching and support staff paid to work at the school.
  • Foundation governors are appointed by the Diocesan Education Board.
  • Co-opted governors are appointed by the local governing body.
  • Local governors are appointed by the local governing body.


Our School Governors are:                            



Appointment Type

Appointed by

Appointment Ends

Mrs Anne Sawford (Chair)

Foundation Governor



Mr Jeff Lickess


Foundation Governor



Mr Andrew Gilford




Mrs Deborah Langton

Staff Governor



Mr Paul Wenman



Rev Tom DevasIncumbentRISEWhile in post
Mr David RidleyParent GovernorLGC08-07-2025

Ms Elizabeth Berry





Mrs Hannah StegglesCo-OptedLGC31-03-2025
Mr Richard DickensParent GovernorLGC31.10.2027


LGC Register of Pecuniary Interests 2023 - 2024

Local Governing Body Attendance Record

What do the school Governors do?

Governors have a range of duties and powers and a general responsibility for the conduct of the school with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement. This includes setting targets for pupils achievement, managing the school’s finances, making sure the curriculum is balanced and broadly based, the learning environment is safe, appointing staff and reviewing staff performance and pay and many more. There are three sub-committees of the governing body which facilitate its work and they are:


If you would like to speak to a Governor, understand more about the Governing Body, or are interested in becoming a Governor yourself then please contact the Chair of Governors (Anne Sawford) by leaving a message in the School Office.
