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0116 2415105 Arbor

‘Through God’s love, we are the rich soil where
roots grow and seeds flourish.’ Luke 8:4-15

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

Class Information/Letters


Reading is a part of Year 1 homework, and your child must read the book given to them twice to develop fluency, practise their reading comprehension using the questions given in the book and recognise trickier words easily the next time they see it. Please date and sign your child’s diary every time you hear them read. Please remind them to put their reading pack in the box in the mornings, so that we can check the diary, move their face on our chart each time they have read and/or change the book. Children do not need to finish their book in 1 day; they can read a few pages every night. If by Friday your child has been heard read 3 or more times in the week, they will receive 1 house point. We will monitor reading at home and will be reading with children during school time.


PE – Wednesday and Friday 

Unlike last year, child should come to school wearing their PE uniform in Year 1. Wearing appropriate PE kit to school ensures the children look smart together, feel part of a team and that everyone is seen as equal. For children to participate in PE lessons this year, they will need to wear the standard school PE uniform of a plain white t-shirt and plain dark tracksuits and/or shorts with socks and trainers. All jewellery must be removed at home and hair must be tied back. We can’t provide your child with tape to cover their earrings or jewellery. Please label all PE uniform with your child’s name to avoid lost clothes.


Please provide a spare set of clothes including socks and pants. At times, children can experience accidents and we do not always have the correct sized clothing for your child to get changed into. Please label this bag which we will keep on your child’s peg at school.



As mentioned, reading is part of this year’s homework along with weekly spellings which will both help with the end of year phonics screen check. Children will need to practise spellings weekly which will be set in a few weeks once they have settled into their new routine. Your child will receive a spelling book with their spellings listed and the quiz date will be every Friday. Please do not use the book to practise in. Your child will also have a login card to a website called Spelling Shed which years 1-6 use. There are various games on there to help your child learn in an alternative way if you prefer.


If you require further homework, our homework page provides some ideas of things you can do with your child at home to help cover skills taught in the classroom. Practical games, interaction/talking with adults and practising skills using the ideas given on the class page benefit children in Year 1, therefore worksheets will not be given out as part of homework.
