Home Learning
Week Beginning 25.10.21
We hope that your child is starting to feel better from chicken pox and are able to return to school this week, however if they are still unable to attend or are self-isolating, here is the work for the week.
Letters and Sounds - ew and oe
Practise the flashcards on Busy Things.
Show this digraph first and explain the sound it makes at the end of words - ew (also can be pronounced like 'you').
Read these words for your child to write independently...
screw, blew, chew, true, grew.
Read this sentence out loud for your child to write.
My plant grew in the sun.
Show this digraph first and explain the sound it makes at the end of words - oe
Read these words for your child to write independently...
Joe, goes, toe.
Read this sentence out loud for your child to write.
Joe hurt his toe.
Reading - please continue to revisit the book sent home before half-term. Please also practise the reading games on Busy Things and share stories by reading to your child too.
Letters and Sounds - au
Practise the flashcards on Busy Things.
Show this digraph first and explain the sound it makes at the end of words - au
Read these words for your child to write independently...
haunt, launch, August.
Read this sentence out loud for your child to write.
The rocket will launch into space.
Reading - please continue to revisit the book sent home before half-term. Please also practise the reading games on Busy Things and share stories by reading to your child too.
Letters and Sounds - ey
Practise the flashcards on Busy Things.
Show this digraph first and explain the sound it makes at the end of words - ey (ee)
Read these words for your child to write independently...
donkey, chimney, hockey, turkey, jockey.
Read this sentence out loud for your child to write.
They had a black chimney.
Reading - please continue to revisit the book sent home before half-term. Please also practise the reading games on Busy Things and share stories by reading to your child too.
Week Beginning 11.10.21
We hope that your child is starting to feel better from chicken pox and are able to return to school this week, however if they are still unable to attend or are self-isolating, here is the work for the week and we hope you have a great half-term!
Maths - number bonds to 10 in an order.
- Starting off with 0 on one side and 10 on the other, can your child write the matching number bonds each time 1 object is moved across? e,g. 0 + 10 = 10, 1 + 9 = 10, 2 + 8 = 10. Your child needs to physically move 1 object across each time so that they can count both groups to make their number sentence.
Letters and Sounds - oy, ir, ue, ea and ie
- Practise flashcards on BusyThings.
- Show the digraphs written on paper and explain the sound they make in words.
- Make a chart with the sound written at the top of each column. Children write these words in the chart which match the correct sound...
- pie, bird, boy, shirt, blue, girl, tie, beads, glue, oyster, meat and clue
English - poetry
Read this poem to your child and ask them the following questions below. (Discussion based).
Braving the Sea
My feet are in
I think I’ll freeze!
Now my ankles,
Now my knees.
Should I dive now,
Like I planned?
Or should I run
Back to dry land?
It feels too cold,
I don’t feel brave,
OH NO – too late!
A monster wave!
Why does it say 'I think I'll freeze?' Are they actually going to freeze?
Where are they walking into?
What do they mean when it says 'It feels too cold?' What feels cold?
Why do you think they don't feel brave?
Is there really a monster that is a wave? What does this mean?
RE - similarities and differences
- We have been looking at what happens when Christian families and Muslim families have a new born baby. Can your child tell you what happens in both and find similarities between both and differences between both? (Discussion based).
Maths - comparing number bonds
- Start off by writing these simple addition number sentences and explain how to work them out using objects. Count out both groups first then count how many altogether and record this for the answer.
3 + 5 = _____ 4 + 2 = _____ 7 + 3 = _____ 5 + 4 = _____ 3 + 6 = _____
- Now discuss how to compare number sentences where they are on both sides and you have to match them.
5 + 3 4 + 4
3 + 1 6 + 2
- Your child needs to work out each number sentence first and then write the answer underneath each one. When they have done this, it will be clear for them to see which ones match and then they can draw a matching line. Practise with this example too.
3 + 2 6 + 1
3 + 4 5 + 0
- Then your child needs to do the exact same method in order to put the equality sign in the middle to make the number sentences correct. These are the signs...
< - less than > - greater than = equal to
Your child should be familiar with these from previous maths lessons and should know that the sign likes to eat the largest number, e.g. 6 > 3 or 5 = 5 or 2<8.
- Practise with these questions.
4 + 3 ____ 2 + 3
7 ____ 7
2 + 1 ____ 5 + 4
Letters and Sounds - ue
- Practise flashcards on Busy Things.
- Look at the 'ue' digraph again but this time explain it can be a 'you' sound at the end of words.
- Practise reading these words together; rescue, cue and due.
- Write those words.
- Sentence: I will rescue the dog down the well.
English - poetry
- Re-read the poem from the previous day and discuss what it was about.
- Today your child will be thinking about rhyming words to change the poem. Rhyming words are words which have the same letters at the end of the words or the same sounds when spoken, e.g. ran, ban, tan or thought, wart, taught, caught, etc.
- Look at my version I changed.
Braving the Sea
My feet are in
I think I’ll stand!
Now my ankles,
Now my hands .
Should I dive now,
Like I said?
Or should I run
Back to the shed?
It feels too cold,
I don’t feel right,
OH NO – too late!
I just got a huge fright!
- Think about the following things in order to find the correct rhyming words.
- What would you do when you are in water? Find matching rhyming words to this which will rhyme the next red word.
- How would you speak instead of said? Find rhyming words which will match this and the next rhyming word in red.
- How would you feel in the water? Finding rhyming words which will match the next red word and in your own sentence.
- Your child will need to work on this with you as with rhyming and poetry, children always find trickier than writing sentences.
Geography - Drawing a map
- Your child needs to draw a map today of the room they are sitting in.
- First they need to draw a key-ask them what this is on a map (a box where there are pictures to show a symbol and a word to show what they symbol is).
- Once they have done this they can draw the different things around the room. They need to remember that it has to show an ariel view ( looking down from above) so you will only be able to see the shapes of the top of things. Maps should be spread out and the same symbols on the key should match what is on the map.
Maths - comparing number bonds
- Recap the learning from yesterday.
- Your child needs to work through the sheet. Don't worry if they do not get down to the bottom of the sheet as it is designed to get progressively harder as children work through it. Please encourage them to use objects to help them.
Letters and Sounds - aw
- Practise flashcards on Busy Things.
- Show your child this digraph 'aw' and explain the sound it makes at the end of words.
- Children to write these words using the sound 'aw'; claw, paw, saw, yawn, draw, shawl.
- Children to write this sentence: Her dog had a hurt paw and claw.
Science - Human body and senses
- Tell your child this will be the last lesson for Science on the Human Body.
- What can they tell you about the body and senses?
- Children to write down their facts. They need reminding to say their sentence out loud and then focus on writing 1 word at a time remembering capital letters, full stops and capital letters.
Maths - Adding together
- Use the Powerpoint to go through the questions. Your child needs to know how to add together by counting the 2 different groups and then counting how many there are in total/altogether. They then need to use those numbers to fill in the part part whole model. The 2 circle opposite each other are called parts where the 2 numbers go and the circle on its own is where the answer goes called the whole. They then use those same numbers again to write a number sentence.
- I have taught the children that if you swap the numbers around in a number sentence you can get the same answer.
- Where there is an equals signs first, the whole (answer) comes first followed by the 2 parts.
- This is a practise/discussion activity so no recording is needed. If you child finds the challenges towards the end too tricky, please leave this out.
Letters and Sounds - wh
- Practise flashcards on Busy Things.
- Show the 'wh' digraph and explain the sound it makes which can go at the beginning of words.
- Children to write these words using the digraph: when, which, what, when, whisper.
- Sentence: I can whisper to you.
- English - Poetry
- Recap both poems from earlier on in the week.
- Today your child will find their own rhyming poems with support if it is needed.
- I have chosen specific words which will work well with the poem.
- Your child needs to write down the matching rhyming words to the given word. If your child finds the ones towards then bottom tricky then please leave this out or complete the ones they find easier to do.
PSHE - Listening
- Ask your child when they are at school, if they were talking to the class and Mrs Chana started yawning, looking away and interrupted many times how would this make them feel?
- Ask your child how we can show we are listening? (looking at the person talking, not being distracted with other things happening around us, and showing interest with our face).
- Ask your child to tell you something about themselves and then you tell them something. Repeat each other's facts to see if you were both listening!
- Explain when we don't listen carefully, it can lead to problems? What might these problems be? (fall out with friends, spoil a game, get told off or ignore an emergency or important information). If we listen carefully, it can help us with our friendships.
- Read this short story to your child:
At playtime, Jessica and Amal are playing Tag. Jade says that she wants to join in but they don't hear her ask. Amal falls over and they both laugh. Jade walks off thinking they are laughing at her.
- How is Jade feeling? Do Jessica and Amal have any idea of how she is feeling?
- What can Jade do to feel better about this?
- How can Jessica and Amal make things betters for her?
Maths - Adding together
- Use the Powerpoint to recap the learning from yesterday. Today your child needs to work through the sheet. Please feel free to stop them at a point at where they are finding the questions tricky. Please encourage careful counting and counting with objects for the challenges where it is needed.
Letters and Sounds
- Use the flashcards on Busy Things.
- Show the 'ph' digraph and explain the sound it makes at the beginning and middle of words (fffff).
- Children write these words using the digraph: phonics, nephew, elephant, dolphin, alphabet.
- Sentence: An elephant and a dolphin were on the road.
English - Poetry
- Recap the poem from the week. Today your child will write their own.
- Using the rhyming words found from yesterday, your child will now fill in the words they find appropriate into their own poem. They may need help with this to understand that rhyming words go at the end and the poem has to make sense.
ICT - Busy Things
- Please check the homework page for homework over half-term.
Week Beginning 04.10.21
Letters and Sounds - oy
- Practise flashcards on BusyThings.
- Show the 'oy' digraph written on paper and explain the sound it makes at the end of words.
- Children write these words using the digraph - toy, boy, joy, enjoy. Say the words aloud for children to write.
- Children write this dictated sentence - Her toy was red.
Maths - Number bonds
- Children will learn how to find all the number bonds for a number in order.
- Model having 0 objects on one side and 5 on the other. This number bond would be 5 = 0 + 5.
- Move 1 object across and count the 2 groups (parts). This number bond would be 5 = 1 + 4.
- Move another object across and count the 2 groups (parts). This number bond would be 5 = 2 + 3.
- Continue until all number bonds are found up to 5 = 5 + 0.
- Repeat with number bonds to 6 using 6 objects.
Science - labelling parts of the body
- Children will need the words reading to them and they label the body parts independently. This is to see what they have learnt as we are coming to the end of our topic. There is a challenge at the end to see if children can link the body parts to the senses.
Maths - number bonds
- Recap learning from yesterday about how to find number bonds in an order.
- Children to find all the number bonds in order using 8.
- This is the format to write number sentences ___ = ___ + ____
Letters and Sounds - ir
- Practise flashcards on BusyThings.
- Show the 'ir' digraph written on paper and explain the sound it makes in the middle and at the end of words.
- Children write these words using the digraph - girl, twirl, shirt, third, bird. Say the words aloud for children to write.
- Children write this dictated sentence - A bird had a shirt on.
English- National Poetry Day!
- Use the website to listen to songs which children can join in with.
Although it says EYFS, the children need this in the curriculum as they may not have had enough experience of singing and performing songs last year.
PSHE - Good Friends
- Discuss what we mean by 'good friends'.
- Children to think of 3 ingredients that make a good friendship.
- Children to think of 3 ingredients for making up if friends fall out.
Maths - number bonds
- Recap learning from yesterday about how to find number bonds in an order.
- Children to practise finding all the number bonds in order to 10 using fingers or objects.
- This is the format to write number sentences ___ = ___ + ____
Letters and Sounds - ue
- Practise flashcards on BusyThings.
- Show the 'ue' digraph written on paper and explain the sound it makes at the end of words.
- Children write these words using the digraph - blue, true, clue, glue. Say the words aloud for children to write.
- Children write this dictated sentence - I need glue for my sheet.
English- Rhyming words
- Explain to the children about what rhyming words are.
- Show examples; may, hay, bay, say and had, bad, sad, lad, pad, tad.
- Children to practise making a list of rhyming words with an adult using the words below. Correct spellings aren't needed; as long as the words rhyme.
- fog, shop, red.
ICT- Busy Things
Please don't forget to see the homework on the homework page. Your child will be able to practise the spellings without their spelling books by playing the games set for them.