Summer 2
Summer 1
Spring 2
Dear Year 3,
I hope you are all keeping safe on this snowy day! I have uploaded power points for you to read through and work sheets for you to have a go at. Maths is on equivalent fractions. I will re-cap everything with you on Monday. As we are learning about Myths in English, read the given text and try to answer the questions on the power point. Finally for Art, read through the power point on Surrealist landscapes and have a go at creating a picture with different perspectives as shown on the last slide. Make sure that you include some buildings as we practised yesterday. Bring your work into school if you would like to show me on Monday.
PE-which we normally have on a Friday, is to have a play in the snow and throw at least one snowball at your parents!!
All the best! I hope you have a great day!
Regards, Mrs Padam