Class Information
Below is the key information you will need for this year. Please read this carefully.
- We advise children to read 3 or more times a week with an adult at home.
Please date and sign your child’s diary each time you have heard them read. If by Friday your child has read 3 or more times, they will receive 1 house point. In KS1 this year we recommend children read each book twice. The first time, children can focus on decoding the book to read. The second time children should answer comprehension questions linked to the book. They could talk about what they have read, make predictions what could happen next, discuss the vocabulary, or talk about their own opinion of the book. It is vital children understand what it is that they have read.
- PE will be on Wednesday and Thursday. Your child must come to school in their PE kit. Please make sure all jewellery is removed and hair is tied back. We can’t provide your child with tape to cover their earrings in ears.
- Please ensure your child brings a book bag into school. Our classrooms have limited space and rucksacks or backpacks can lead to trips and falls as we do not have enough space in the cloakrooms to store them. If possible please use smaller bags/book bags which are perfect for children's labelled drawers. We understand this might not be possible for every child.
- Spelling tests will take place every Friday. Children will then be given next weeks spellings to learn for the following week.
- Library We visit the school library every Tuesday. Should your child wish to swap their book for a new one, please ensure they bring it to school on this day.
I am more than happy to help and assist where I can, so if you have any questions or are unsure about anything in Year 2, please see me after school once the children have been sent home.