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0116 2415105 Arbor

‘Through God’s love, we are the rich soil where
roots grow and seeds flourish.’ Luke 8:4-15

Enabling children to flourish and succeed


As mentioned, reading is part of this year’s homework along with weekly spellings which will both help with the end of year phonics screen check. Children will need to practise spellings weekly. Your child has a spelling book with their spellings listed and the quiz date will be on a Tuesday. Please do not use the book to practise in. Your child will also have a login card to a website called Spelling Shed which years 1-6 use. There are various games on there to help your child learn in an alternative way if you prefer. If your child gets most of the spellings correct, they will receive 1 house point.


 If you require further homework, our class page will have objectives listed in the homework section which will provide some ideas of things you can do with your child at home to help cover skills taught in the classroom. Practical games, interaction/talking with adults and practising skills using the ideas given on the class page benefit children in Year 1, therefore worksheets will not be given out as part of homework. 


Skills in English

- Read and write tricky words from the word mat

- Think of own ideas for a picture and write these as sentences using 'and', 'so', 'but' and 'because'.

- Remember word order when writing sentences

- Know when to use a capital letter and where to put a full stop

- Write questions using question words and a question mark

- Write exclamation sentences using a capital letter and exclamation mark at the end

- Blend and segment sounds when reading and writing

- Write a sequence of sentences to form a small paragraph of writing with capital letters and full stops in the correct places

- Know when to use the suffixes -s, -es, -ed, -ing, -ment and when to use the prefixes    -un in words.


Skills in Maths

- Count from 50 to 100 starting from any number

- Count in 10s to 100

- Partition numbers into 10s and 1s

- Understand placement of numbers within 100 on a number line

- Find 1 more and 1 less than a numbers within 100

- Compare 2 numbers with the same amount of 10s

- Compare any 2 numbers

- Recognise coins and notes

- Count in coins

- Learn days of the week and months of the year

- Understand the length of time in hours, minutes and seconds

- Tell the time to the hour

- Tell the time to the half hour


Learning from other areas of the Curriculum:

- Name and describe common animals

- Know the names of baby animals

- Know the names of common homes of animals

- Understand the animal groups; fish, birds, reptiles, mammals and amphibians

- Group animals by what they eat; omnivore, carnivore and herbivore

- Discuss why people keep pets

- Find out why George Stephenson was famous


If your child wants to share with the class what they have been working on at home, we are more than happy to show this when we have a few spare minutes. They can bring the work into school and we can put it in our basket ready to show others! Please note we do not show toys brought into school - these should be kept at home.
