Home Learning
Week Beginning 01.03.21
- Monday
- Collective Worship
- Addition questions sheet
- Number lines
- Capital letters
- English 1
- English 2
- English 3
- The Easter story
- Easter story emotions
- Easter story emotions activity
- Tuesday
- Collective Worship
- Missing numbers in addition number sentences
- Maths 1
- Maths 2
- Maths 3
- Full stops
- English 1
- English 2
- English 3
- Wednesday
- Subtraction questions sheet
- Number lines
- Nouns
- English 1
- English 2
- English 3
- Thursday
- Bookmark template
- Book review template
- Book instructions
- Story board
- Friday
- Writing numbers to 20
- Matching numbers and words
- Writing numbers to 20 activity
- Number mat
- Adjectives
- English 1
- English 2
- English 3
Week Beginning 22.02.21
- Collective Worship
- Monday
- Counting to 20 sheet
- Story writing frame
- The Easter story
- Collective Worship
- Tuesday
- Subtraction not crossing 10
- Maths 1
- Maths 2
- Maths 3
- Number lines
- Identifying and naming animals
- Wednesday
- Subtraction on a number line not crossing 10
- Maths 1
- Maths 2
- Maths 3
- Thursday
- Subtraction crossing 10
- Maths 1
- Maths 2
- Maths 3
- Friday
- Subtraction on a number line crossing 10
- Maths 1
- Maths 2
- Maths 3
- Drawing maps
Week Beginning 08.02.21
- Tuesday
- Collective Worship
- Missing numbers in addition number sentences
- Maths 1
- Maths 2
- Maths 3
- Number lines
- Diary writing
- Recognising landmarks
- Ariel photographs activity sheet
- Wednesday
- Finding and making number bonds
- Maths 1
- Maths 2
- Maths 3
- Samuel Pepys Information
- English 1
- English 2 and 3
- Thursday
- Finding bonds in an order
- Maths 1
- Maths 2
- Maths 3
- Number bonds to 20 sheet
- Example of Great Fire of London houses
- Friday
- Finding missing bonds to 20
- Maths 1
- Maths 2
- Maths 3
- Number lines
- Instructions
- Board game
- Task Cards
- Dice and Counters
Week Beginning 01.02.21
- Monday
- How to draw tens and ones
- The Great Fire of London
- The Great Fire of London drawing pictures to match labels
- Jonah and the fish discussion sheet
- Jonah and the fish drawing activity
- Tuesday
- Comparing numbers
- Maths 1
- Maths 2
- Maths 3
- The Great Fire of London sequencing pictures
- Herbivores, Carnivores and Omnivores
- Grouping animals venn diagram
- Wednesday
- Ordering objects
- Maths 1
- Maths 2
- Maths 3
- Thursday
- Ordering numbers
- Maths 1
- Maths 2
- Maths 3
- Snake drawing
- Friday
- Adding by counting on
- Maths 1
- Maths 2
- Maths 3
- Fire Services Then and Now
- Fire Services sorting activity
Week Beginning 18.01.21
- Collective Worship
- Monday
- Tens and Ones
- Maths 1
- Maths 2
- Maths 3
- The Three Billy Goats Gruff Story
- Muddled up pictures
- Picture 1 writing prompts
- Prayers
- Hearts for writing prayers
- Tuesday
- Part part whole models
- Maths 1
- Maths 2
- Maths 3
- Picture 2 writing prompts
- Wednesday
- One more and one less recording sheet
- Picture 3 writing prompts
- Thursday
- One more and one less drawings and word problems
- Maths 1
- Maths 2
- Maths 3
- Picture 4 writing prompts
- Rhino drawing
- Friday
- Comparing amounts
- Maths 1
- Maths 2
- Maths 3
- Picture 5 writing prompts
Week Beginning 11.01.21
- Monday
- Sorting 2D shapes
- Maths 1
- Maths 2
- Maths 3
- Adjectives
- Adjectives to describe pictures sheet
- RE person outline sheet
- Collective Worship
- Tuesday
- Patterns with 3D and 2D shapes
- Maths 1
- Maths 2
- Maths 3
- Adjectives
- Adjectives to describe characters
- Structure of animals
- Science 1
- Science 2
- Science 3
- Wednesday
- Apology letter
- English 1
- English 2
- English 3
- Thursday
- Numbers 11 - 20
- Maths 1
- Maths 2
- Maths 3
- Reply letter
- English 1
- English 2
- English 3
- Friday
- Representing numbers 11 - 20
- Maths 1
- Maths 2
- Maths 3
- tens frame resource
Week Beginning 04.01.21
- Wednesday
- Naming 3D shapes
- Sorting 3D shapes
- Sorting shapes worksheet
- Goldilocks muddled up pictures
- Goldilocks and The Three Bears first 2 pictures
- Naming and identifying animals
- Naming animals worksheet
- Thursday
- Goldilocks and The Three Bears finishing off the story
- Different types of lines mat
- Art recording sheet
- Friday
- Naming 2D shapes
- Maths 2
- Maths 3