Read our amazing rescue stories!

Year 3 have been busy sewing their very own Christmas stockings

We made Christmas themed chocolate for our Christmas stockings.

Look at our sweet wrapper designs inspired by Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

Elf Day 4th December
Watch our Harvest Assembly! Please watch in order.

Educating Robert Sketch 1

Educating Robert Sketch 2

Song-Big Red Combine Harvester

The Sower and the Seeds - Matthew 13:1-9

On Rocky Ground

Among Thorns

Seeds Planted in the Good Soil

Song-1-2-3-4-5 a Day

Our Collection

Prayers at St Luke's Church

Harvest Hymn Part 1

Harvest Hymn Part 2

Reports about the Ancient Greeks

Year 3 are very proud of their published reports about the Ancient Greeks. They had learnt so many facts to write about and worked hard to present their reports in a clear layout.
Medusa is completed! Well done Year 3!

Year 3 have been exploring the mythical Medusa and have worked hard on their sketches. We created a joint Medusa made out of clay. The result is pretty scary! Next week we are hoping to paint Medusa. Watch out for the updated version.
Ancient Greek Pots

Year 3 have been studying Greek pottery. They looked at the different patterns and found scenes of Greek mythology and sport events decorated onto the pots. After their research, they designed and produced their own Greek pots. We are extremely proud of the results!

Year 3 have enjoyed getting to grips with Rainbow Grammar. Children have learnt about different types of determiners and practised using them in their sentences.

We had great fun learning to write our names in Greek! Children noted that some of the letters are the same as the English alphabet, whilst others are very different.