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0116 2415105 Arbor

‘Through God’s love, we are the rich soil where
roots grow and seeds flourish.’ Luke 8:4-15

Enabling children to flourish and succeed


Discovering Polar places!

Celebrating Chinese New Year, Ernest Shackleton and exploring capacity!

Heavy and light and the beginning of Antarctica!

EYFS Pupil Charter - The Tiger Who Came To Tea!

Andy Goldsworthy art, Gruffalo week and lots of Gruffalo crumble!

Bonfire night, practising cvc words, and lots and lots of fireworks!

Little Red Hen, making patterns and representing numbers!

Learning 1,2,3, going on a bear hunt, learning sounds and capital letters!

We're Going on a Bear Hunt, finding collections of 3, measures and repeating patterns!

Goldilocks continued, learning about our bodies and practising sounds!

Goldilocks and The Three Bears, finding matches and the creation story!

Mark making, creating self-portraits and using our imagination!

Learning new routines, remembering names and exploring new areas!

Our first week at school - sharing scrapbooks, making models and lots of playing with new friends!
