Class Information
Weekly Routines
Reading books-Children will be able to take books home to read. However, books that go home, will when returned, be placed into a changing box that will be left untouched until the end of the week and books will then be re-organised the following Monday.
Reading Diaries – Please make sure you sign your child’s reading diary in order for them to change their reading book. We want to encourage children to read as much as possible, as it is so beneficial for their learning in all areas of the curriculum.
PE – Monday and Friday. Please let children come in their PE kit to school, (tracksuit with trainers, but no football kit please) suitable for the weather as we plan to be outside for one of the sessions. Make sure earrings are removed for health and safety reasons.
Homework – will be set for Monday morning under our 'Homework' star. Children should complete their task by Friday unless otherwise stated. You will also find information about our learning and wider topics under 'Our Curriculum' star. We will continue to use Knowledge Organisers in class which will be available on the same page.
Spellings – test every Monday. New spellings will be available online and spelling books will be returned by Wednesday. Spellings can be practised online throughout the week on using your child’s login details.
Mental Maths-Children should continue to use TTRockstars and will be set battles or tables online on Our first mental maths test will be on Thursday 24th September and from then on, every two weeks.
Library- Children will have the opportunity to borrow books from our lovely library on a rota basis to keep within our ‘bubble’ guidelines. We will make our first library visit week commencing 14th September and then 5th October. Please make sure children remember to return their library book.