Brass instrument music sheets
BBC 500 Words Competition
Entries are due by 9th November.
Homework for the week commencing Wednesday 1st November is to type up the story you wrote at school and submit it.
Good luck!!
For more information, go to: https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/500-words/about-500-words/zctk7v4
Autumn 2 homework.
All homework will now be on the Atom Learning platform. It will continue to be set each Wednesday.
Brass Instrument Notice
Just a note to let you know that the next brass music lesson will be Thursday 9th November. Your child will not need to bring their instrument in before then.
As brass instruments seize up if they are not used, can you please encourage your child to practice regularly over the coming weeks.
Mr Davis (the Leics Music Hub teacher) has provided a link with lots of online lessons:
Weekly homework
Homework consists of regular reading, times tables, spellings and a task which can be found on this page every Wednesday.
Spellings and times tables will be tested every Wednesday and new ones handed out every Thursday.
Remember you can make learning your spellings more fun on Spelling Shed! (Remember your log in is stuck inside your reading diary)
Homework will be set on Atom Learning with effect from Wednesday 25th October.
If you have not completed your baseline assessments, please make sure you do before 25th. If you are having any problems or have any questions, please get in touch.
W.C: 9.10.23
Go to Serial Mash: - Read Chapter 2 of School Swap
- Answer the questions.
I have also set 'Free code Gibbon' for you to explore and program. What can you create? What can you program to move and how?
Finally! There is a TTRS tournament: Girls Vs Boys!!
*** Have a fantastic half term ***
W.C: 2.10.23
- If you have not completed the baseline activities on Atom Learning, please do so this week.
- Go to your 2Dos on Purple Mash:
- Read Chapter 1 and answer the questions.
- Complete the apostrophe grammar activity (we have been working on apostrophes in class)
W.C: 27.9.23
Please log in to Atom Learning and familiarise yourself with the platform.
So that the work that we set you in the future is set to your level, you need to click on ‘Baseline Assessment’ for both English and Maths and work through the activities.
W.C: 20.9.23
Tomorrow we are due to finish our Place Value unit in Maths.
Go to your 2Dos and complete:
- The 'End of unit' quiz
- The Monster Multiplication Game
W.C: 13.9.23
Go to your 2Dos:
- Geography- Complete the activity to match features of a river to the correct picture.
- Maths- Complete the 'Compare & order' place value activity.
W.C: 6.9.23
In class we have been learning about 'Sound' in Science.
Go to your 2Dos on Purple Mash:
- Watch the Sound slideshow
- Complete the questions on the next task set.
What?? You want more homework? WOWZA!
Well you could create a poster about what you've learnt about sound and hearing in Science. Or you could find some amazing facts to share with the class.
Our next topic is Rivers (Geography). You could do the same as above for that topic... or any topic as we go through the year. It's always great to see research that you have carried out!