Home Learning 2021
Monday 1st March 2021
Dear Year 3, parents and carers,
I hope you have all had a restful weekend and enjoyed the sunshine! We will continue with our home learning as usual this week, apart from a few changes:
Our daily Teams meetings, due to parents evenings, is only going to be on Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning at 10:10 this week.
Children don't forget to watch our collective worship videos, lesson videos and use the resources on Teams, as you have been doing. I am so proud of you all and look forward to welcoming you back into school on Monday 8th March.
Wishing you all a wonderful week!
Kind regards,
Mrs Padam
Week beginning 1.3.21
Monday 22nd February 2021
Dear All,
Welcome back to a new term Year 3! I am sure we will have a great term ahead and hoping that we will be together in school very shortly!
As with the start of a new term, we will be learning about new topics; for Year 3, this will be all about the Romans and Light in Science. Please go to Our Curriculum Star to find a Knowledge Organiser for the topics that we will use in class.
Please be aware that all the learning resources children will need can also be found on Teams under General and then Files.
Video messages from Mr Galvin and Lizzie Berry have been uploaded on Teams under the Collective Worship tab as well as videos recorded by myself to support your child's learning which can be found under Lesson Videos on Teams.
We will continue our daily Teams sessions for Year 3 at 10:10am.
I hope you all have a good week!
Kind regards,
Mrs Padam
Week beginning 22.2.21
Monday 8th February 2021
Dear All,
We are now at the last week before a well deserved break for everyone. Year 3, I have been so impressed by all the lovely work you have produced across all the subjects. I think you must have enjoyed learning about the Stone Age as you have submitted some fantastic Art work, excellent non-chronological reports and found your own fossils. I have tried to share some of your work on our daily Teams calls, however, we often run out of time for all of them to be shown, but I do appreciate everything that you are doing!
Please find attached below a letter regarding our next shared text for after half-term.
Kind regards,
Mrs Padam
Week beginning 8.2.21
Monday 1st February 2021
Good morning All,
I hope you are keeping well. It has been great to see you all on Teams, and as those calls are now going to be daily, Year 3 will meet at 10:10 am for around 20 minutes. Please look out for the meetings in your Teams calendar.
Can I also please remind everyone of our files on Teams, as I have uploaded collective worship videos and one RE and History video that talks you through the different power points. Unfortunately, the files are too large to be uploaded here. The French power point for this week is also on Teams for the same reason as above.
Children you are all doing so well. I look forward to speaking with you tomorrow!
Kind regards,
Mrs Padam
Email: Year3-2020@st-lukes.leics.sch.uk
Week beginning 1.2.21
Monday 25th January 2021
Dear Parents and carers,
I hope you have all managed to have some fun in the snow! It has been great to catch up with Year 3 on Teams on Tuesdays and Fridays. They are continuing to impress me with their determination in their work and showing real perseverance through this time.
I hope you will all have a great week.
As always, I can be contacted via email at:
Kind regards,
Mrs Padam
Monday 18th January 2021
Dear Parents and carers,
Thank you for your continued support in helping your children keep learning during this time.
The work that I have received, have all been great and I can see that everyone is working really hard and doing their very best. All learning resources for the week are also available on Teams if this suits you better. The French power point for Monday 18th is on Teams as it contains sound files children will need to listen to.
As always, please don't hesitate to get in touch on our class email:
Our weekly Teams meetings take place on a Tuesday and Friday morning, both at 9am.
Kind regards,
Mrs Padam
Week beginning 18.1.21
Wednesday 6th January 2021
Hi Everyone,
It was lovely to see you all on Monday after our Christmas break! Unfortunately, due to the circumstances of yet another lockdown we are all having to move to online home learning.
Please use the timetable uploaded below to guide you with your learning.
For most lessons, you will need to log on to Teams to download all power points and activities that you will need. You can then use our class email to send back pictures of your work to me.
If you have any problems or questions, please use the class email to send me a message, and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
Take care and stay safe!
Mrs Padam
Class email: Year3-2020@st-lukes.leics.sch.uk
Monday 11th January 2021
Well done for completing your tasks last week! You all worked very hard and I really enjoyed seeing some of your work that you sent me. Don't forget we will have a Teams catch up on Tuesdays and Fridays at 9:00am and remember to log in with your own school Teams account. See you on Tuesday!
Kind regards,
Mrs Padam