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‘Through God’s love, we are the rich soil where
roots grow and seeds flourish.’ Luke 8:4-15

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

Home learning 2021

**** Error on plan*** Thursday afternoon is Geography- See resources below

Monday 1st March 2021


Hi Year 4,


We hope you have enjoyed the sunny weather and keeping yourself safe. Isn't it exciting that we will all be together again from Monday 8th March! In preparation for your return, please continue to complete your home learning this week, as we will be carrying on with these topics! 


Please note that there will be NO Teams Catch-ups on Tuesday 2nd March and on Thursday 4th March due to Parents Evening. 


Again, all assemblies can be found via the Streams on your child's Teams account. A video about World Book Day by Mrs Padam is also available to watch. 


Take care Year 4.  

Mrs Greer and Mrs Mitchell :) 

Week Commencing 22nd February 2021 


We hope you have all enjoyed the Half Term break. Hopefully, it won't be too long until we are all back in class together! As we are entering the second part of the Spring term, you will notice our new topics. 


Please also remember to watch the recorded messages from Mr Galvin and Lizzie Berry on Teams. There are also some videos recorded by us to support your child's learning via the stream section of your child's Teams account.

Week commencing Monday 8th February

Maths- squared paper reminder- There are some Maths questions this week that will require squared paper. There is a supply of this in the green book box outside the office. Please help yourself to 3 sheets if you need it.


Monday 8th Feb

Tuesday 9th Feb

Wednesday 10th Feb


RE Audio will play via your child's Teams account. If it doesn't, for activity 2 - Your child needs to draw a globe, on one side they draw or write the way the world is. On the other half they draw or write what they think Jesus would have wanted.

Monday 1st February 2021


Hi Year 4, 


Morning activities -  explore Busy Things each day for 10 minutes.


Remember- Teams meetings will now be daily at 10.50am. If you have any questions about the day's work, we can discuss them in the meeting. Please note that the chat is monitored by us. Don't forget messages from Mr Galvin can be found on Teams too!


Have a great week 

Mrs Greer and Mrs Mitchell 

Busy Things - Please check your email for your child's login details

Weekly overview for week commencing 18.1.21


Please also find video messages from Mr Galvin on your Teams account. Go to files then click on the folder class materials and play 18-1-21 Message from Mr Galvin


A message from Lizzie and Eric the puppet, play from 15:32. The part you need to watch is 6 minutes long.  - 


Have a good week Year 4!

Home learning wc 18.1.21


Alice in Wonderland

Preparation for w.c 18.1.21 home learning - Science

Science preparation


Next week Tuesday 19th January, we have planned for the children to make a simple circuit.. Please see the PDF about what resources you will need to make this simple circuit. 

Monday 11th January 2021


We hope you have had a lovely weekend. Please see the plan and resources for the week below. We will upload resources throughout the week too. We look forward to seeing you on our next Teams meeting on Tuesday 12th January 2021 at 9:30am. Please check your calendar and/or Teams/email account for the invite. If you are having difficulties logging on please email us at 


Happy learning Year 4! 


Mrs Greer and Mrs Mitchell 

Weekly overview 11.1.21 Please see revised Friday Maths sheet

Please note Wednesday's star challenges have Tuesday's date. This is a date error. The questions are all different, apologies for the error. 



Friday 8th January 2021


Good morning Year 4, 


We know it isn't Friday, we are just getting you prepared in advance! Please scroll down for Thursday's home learning :D 


Have a good weekend. 

Mrs Greer and Mrs Mitchell. 

Thursday 7th January 2021


Good morning Year 4, 


We are really impressed with the quality of home learning being emailed in. Some of you have already earnt house points too! 


Have a good day!  

Wednesday 6th January 2021


Good morning Year 4, 


Please ensure you have read our messages below from yesterday. Please also scroll down to see your home learning set for today. We would also like to remind you of your St Luke's email address which you will need to use for our Teams meeting this Friday. Your email address starts with 23, followed by your first name's initial, your full surname and then For example - Some of you changed your passwords for these accounts (I hope you remember them!). If you cannot access your email address please inform us via 


Have a good day Year 4! 

Mrs Greer and Mrs Mitchell. 

Tuesday 5th January 2021

Good evening Year 4, we hope you have had a good day at home, staying safe. Please read the following information below. 


This page contains information about tasks and activities you can complete whilst we are closed. It will be updated everyday ready for the following day and will have everything you need unless we state otherwise. The learning we upload is what we would have been learning at school so it is vital you complete tasks the best you can. The lessons also follow on from each other so please complete them in date order. 


We will be using a variety of websites so please keep your passwords safe. (Pupils who mentioned issues logging on were working when we checked them at School yesterday so please clear your history on your devices). We will also have calls via Microsoft Teams every Tuesday and Friday at 9:30am. Here we can discuss learning and also give feedback.


You were all given your login information on Wednesday the 16th December with your St Luke's email address when we all logged onto Teams in the ICT suite. If you have misplaced it or you cannot get on, please ask your parent/ adult to email us on Additionally, if you need any support with anything, please just email us. 


Don't forget to send photos or scans of your work so that we can provide feedback. 


Take care Year 4 

See you soon! 

Mrs Greer and Mrs Mitchell 

Tuesday 5th January 2021


Good morning Year 4, 


It was so lovely to see you yesterday after the Christmas break. Unfortunately, due to the late announcement by Boris Johnson we cannot be together in School for the time being. Today, we are currently preparing your home learning activities which will be uploaded from tomorrow.  


For today you could do the following; 

- Read your chapter book from school or one you have at home.

- Revise your new spellings which are online on Spelling Shed and also in your Spelling book (if you took it home yesterday). 

- Revise your new Mental Maths questions or play on TTRS.

- Write a funny story/paragraph using the homophones we learnt yesterday - where, were, we're and wear. 

- Complete/research the challenge I set you yesterday in Maths, 10 divided by 0. Is the answer 10 or 0 or something else? How do you know? 

- Enjoy the day and stay safe! 


Take care, 

Mrs Greer and Mrs Mitchell 
