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0116 2415105 Arbor

‘Through God’s love, we are the rich soil where
roots grow and seeds flourish.’ Luke 8:4-15

Enabling children to flourish and succeed


Video 4

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Video 3

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Video 2

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Brass performance - videos - 27.6.24

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We would like to thank all those who were able to attend this morning. The children were brilliant! We would also like to thank Mr Davies for all his hard work throughout the year.

Mrs Greer & Mrs Mitchell

Brass performance - 27.6.24

Brocks Hill Country Park Trip

D & T Torch making

The children worked in teams to make a working torch. They overcame many challenges; sharing ideas, listening to each other and solving problems with the making of the torch.

They demonstrated perseverance and experienced a great sense of achievement when they finally had a working prototype!

Beaumanor Residential 6th -7th March


World Book Day 4.3.24 (It took about 8 takes!)

14.2.24 - Science - Electricity

14.2.24 - RE - Gospel. The children have been learning about the Gospel and how Jesus led the disciples to be "fisher of men". Next term we will be looking at the topic: Salvation.

Having fun making  our D & T 'Recycled Orchestra' instruments.
