Early Years Foundation Stage
The Early Years Foundation Curriculum
The Early Years Foundation Stage (E.Y.F.S) is the stage of education for children from birth to the end of the academic year they are five. It is based on the recognition that children learn best through play and active learning.
Learning and Development is divided into seven areas;
The 3 prime areas
- Communication and Language
- Physical Development
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development
The 4 specific areas.
- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Understanding the World
- Expressive Arts and Design
These 7 areas are used to plan your child’s learning and activities. It is designed to be really flexible so that staff can follow your child’s unique needs and interests.
All areas are important, connected to one another and are taught both indoors and outside.
During the E.Y.F.S our youngest children develop their knowledge, skills and understanding across the seven areas of learning through activities and experiences that are both adult directed and child initiated.
Communication and Language
This area covers the development of the children’s spoken language and listening skills together with their understanding. We will be encouraging them to converse and ask questions to express themselves using different tenses and connecting ideas and events.
Physical Development
This area encourages the development of a positive attitude towards a healthy and active life. Opportunities are provided for indoor and outdoor play using a range of equipment, helping to develop throwing, catching, rolling, kicking and riding skills. Children learn to move in different ways and are encouraged to use space effectively. Children are also expected to dress and fold clothes independently. Fine manipulative skills are fostered through many activities including sewing, threading, drawing, cutting and sticking.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
This area focuses on the children learning about themselves and to become part of a group. We encourage positive attitudes, perseverance, self-discipline and independence. Children become responsible for personal hygiene, selecting activities and making choices. We build the foundations for spiritual and moral education, being able to take turns, share and show respect for others. They have opportunities to explore their own feelings and they are introduced to other cultures and religious events.
The focus is on developing reading skills and the progress of phonics. We do this by sharing stories, giving access to fiction and non-fiction books and by giving each child a structured and systematic approach to learn the phonics. We encourage the development of early writing skills through various activities including: drawing, painting, manipulating materials, threading and making use of different media.
This area helps to foster the basis of numeracy, shape, measures, time, money, position, sorting, patterns, symmetry and calculation together with language of mathematics through songs and rhymes, practical activities and games. The children are encouraged to solve problems and work both independently and as part of a group.
Understanding the World
This area of learning helps to provide a foundation for Science, History and Geography. The children talk about where they live, their environment and further afield. They are encouraged to look and living and man-made objects, their similarities and differences, patterns and change. Computers, interactive white boards, programmable toys and recording equipment support their learning throughout the curriculum as appropriate.
Expressive Arts and Design
This area covers art, music, dance, role and imaginative play. The children are encouraged to explore sound and colour, texture and shape. They have opportunities to express themselves and use their imagination to create through modelling, drawing, using paint, dancing, role-play and music making. The activities develop skills and techniques to give the children increasing control over tools and equipment.