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0116 2415105 ParentPay

‘Through God’s love, we are the rich soil where
roots grow and seeds flourish.’ Luke 8:4-15

Enabling children to flourish and succeed


Helping our oceans by helping the environment first

Things found in places of worship

Capacity and Volume

Measuring mass

Measuring using non-standard units of measurement

Our own line drawings

Kandinsky line drawings

Mondrian Computing artwork

Drawing different types of lines

Year 1 Pupil Charter - Growing potatoes!

Discussion about medicine

Grouping materials in Science

Discussion about sharing pictures

Investigating with magnets!

Designing our puppets!

Performing Shakespearean quotes

British Values - Learning about Respect and Tolerance

Making numbers within 20

Learning for Life!

Year 1's Christmas Party!

Our Christmas Play!

Building models with 3D shapes

Elf Day - thank you for your donations!

Making poppies for Remembrance Day

Searching for the Gruffalo after writing descriptive posters!

Learning about objects in Islam

We love to read in Year 1!
