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0116 2415105 Arbor

‘Through God’s love, we are the rich soil where
roots grow and seeds flourish.’ Luke 8:4-15

Enabling children to flourish and succeed


Finding our grown potatoes!

Eating healthy faces

Progress with our potatoes

Fire and Rescue assembly

Botanical Gardens

Helping our oceans by helping the environment first

Things found in places of worship

Capacity and Volume

Measuring mass

Measuring using non-standard units of measurement

Our own line drawings

Kandinsky line drawings

Mondrian Computing artwork

Drawing different types of lines

Year 1 Pupil Charter - Growing potatoes!

Discussion about medicine

Grouping materials in Science

Discussion about sharing pictures

Investigating with magnets!

Designing our puppets!

Performing Shakespearean quotes

British Values - Learning about Respect and Tolerance

Making numbers within 20

Learning for Life!

Year 1's Christmas Party!

Our Christmas Play!

Building models with 3D shapes

Elf Day - thank you for your donations!

Making poppies for Remembrance Day

Searching for the Gruffalo after writing descriptive posters!

Learning about objects in Islam

We love to read in Year 1!
