Class Information
Please note that this may change periodically
Our PE days are:
- Monday - outdoor PE weather permitting. Should weather prevent PE outdoors, it will be replaced by an activity within the classroom such as GoNoodle.
- Wednesday - swimming at Evington Pool - arrive in school uniform bringing swim kit.
Children should arrive to school dressed in an appropriate school PE kit
- tracksuit bottoms/leggings/joggers
- white PE T-shirt
- hooded jacket or tracksuit top
- trainers
Please ensure jewellery/earrings are removed for PE before coming to school. Alternatively, supply tape which your child can apply to cover the studs.
Recommended reading
There are some links below to lists or recommended reads for Year 5 children.
Please note, there is no right and wrong in this. Any book which enthrals and motivates a child is a good read.
Some lists are sponsored by booksellers, some are not.
If your child is still a developing reader or lacks confidence, some contain links to lists for slightly younger children and this will be right for your child. If in any doubt, please contact us about this.
Our class visits the school library on a rota - see below:
Library dates for book changing are as follows:
13 September
4 October
1 November
22 November
13 December