Ofsted and Performance Data
Please find below our most recent Ofsted reports and relevant information from the Department for Education Performance Tables.
OFSTED Report 2014
Our school was last inspected in February 2014 when Ofsted judged that we were a GOOD school. This judgement was made under the more rigorous January 2014 Framework.
About us, they said:
“This is a GOOD school.”
- Pupils make good progress through the school and typically attain standards which are above average in English and mathematics.
- Teaching is good and sometimes outstanding. Teachers are keen to improve their skills and work closely together to ensure that lessons interest and inspire their pupils.
- Children in Reception develop skills quickly because of good teaching, and they are well prepared for Key Stage 1.
- The clear vision and determined actions of the headteacher, her senior team and the governing body have ensured that teaching and pupils’ achievement have improved.
- Behaviour is good. Pupils are proud of their school and their work and are keen to share what they have learned.
- The school does a good job of keeping its pupils safe. There is very little bullying and pupils are taught how to recognise risk and keep themselves and others safe.
For more details, including the areas in which we are striving to improve still further to Outstanding, please download the full report using the link below.
This shows the school's performance tables for EYFS, Year 1 Phonics, Key Stage 1 Assessments and Key Stage 2 Assessments.
Due to the pandemic the Government will not publish KS2 school level data for the 2021 to 2022 academic year. They have archived data from the 2018 to 2019 academic year because they recognise that the data from that year may no longer reflect current performance.