Class Information
Please note this may change termly.
Our PE days are every Wednesday.
Children need to arrive to school in their PE kit;
- tracksuit bottoms/leggings
- t-shirt
- zip up hooded jacket
- trainers
Please ensure jewellery/earrings are taken out for PE. If earrings can't be taken off, tape needs to be applied to ears before coming to school.
Library dates are as follows:
Children can take their library books home to enjoy and read. Please ensure library books are in book bags ready for the next session to be swapped. Children will be reminded as their date approaches. If a library book is lost you may incur a small charge to replace it.
Reading Books
We expect children to read at home at least 3 times or more during the week. Please date and sign the reading diary so that we can check and move your child’s picture on our reading chart. By Friday, if your child has read 3 times or more they will receive a house point. Please note this is not reading 3 individual books, but reading 3 times during the week whatever the amount of pages may be.
We will not be commenting in the reading diary, but instead will leave a sticker to show your child has read with an adult. We will be writing our own notes in a separate file kept at school for our records.
Please remind your child to put their reading pack in the change box in our classrooms to get a new book. Books will be changed and ready to send home in a safe way.
We are glad to be encouraging the enjoyment of reading at home and school once again and hope that you can work alongside us with this.
If you have any questions please speak to the class teacher.