Autumn 1
English skills
-Write own name with correct formation of capital letter and lowercase letters.
-Write all capital and lowercase letters correctly.
-Read and write tricky words; I, no, go, to, the, into, we, be, she, me, he, you, are, her, was, all, they, my.
-Blend and segment single phonemes (sounds) in short words.
-Blend and segment sounds ck, sh, ch, th, ng, wh, ai, ay, a-e, ea, ee, e, ea, y in words.
-Write a simple sentence using finger spaces.
-Write a sentence using 'and' and 'but'.
-Write a question using a question mark.
Maths skills
- Form the digits 0-9 correctly from the correct starting point.
-Read and recognise the numbers 0-10.
-Recognise numbers to 20 as words.
-Count objects accurately.
- Count out objects accurately from a larger amount.
-Sort objects into different groups and explain their reasons/thinking.
-count on from any number using numbers up to 10.
-1 more/1 less than any number up to 10 (can use a written number line for this or objects to practically add/take away from an amount.)
-Compare amounts and numbers using the language more than, less than, equal to (ask your child to count out 2 amounts up to 10 and then discuss/ask your child to compare the numbers always starting with the amount on the left).
-Observe how trees and plants can change throughout seasons.
-How does some trees change throughout the seasons, can you display this in a creative way?
-How does weather change throughout the seasons?
-Research the life of Walter Tull and the challenges he faced, what can we learn from him?
-Explore colour mixing, and how we can use colour to show different emotions.
-Can you look at a variety of maps? How do they use symbols?