As mentioned, reading is part of this year's homework, along with weekly spellings, both of which will help with the end-of-year phonics screening check. Children will need to practice their spellings weekly. Your child has a spelling book with their words listed, and the quiz will take place on Fridays. Please do not use the book to practice in.
If you would like to complete additional activities to support your child's learning, I have outlined some suggestions below.
Spring 1
Skills in English
- Read and write common exception words (sent home last term)
- Remember word order when writing sentences. Sentences must contain a subject, a predicate (an action) and have the correct punctuation.
- -Use ‘and’, ‘but’ and ‘because’ in sentences.
- Write questions using question words and question marks.
- Blend and segment sounds when reading and writing.
- Blend and segment sounds ck, sh, ch, ng, wh, ai, ay, ea, ee, e, y, oa, o, ow, oe, er, ir, ur, ou, ow, oo, ue and ew in words.
- Maintain present tense when writing.
- Understand what a command is.
- Write a simple set of instructions.
Skills in Maths
- Read and recognise the numbers 0-20
- Recognise and write numbers to 20 in words.
- Number bonds to 20. E.g. __________ + ___________ = 20
- Find doubles
- Subtract by counting back
- Missing number problems e.g. 12 - ______ = 9 or 16 + _______ = 19
- Be able to represent numbers through drawings (tens and ones)
- Count in 10s to 50.
- Read any number up to 50.
- Identify 1 more/1 less than a number up to 50.
- Be able to partition numbers up to 50 in tens and ones.
Learning from other areas of the Curriculum
- Discuss how food was different from 70 years ago vs today. (tinned food, rations, fast food/takeaways)
- Discuss how shopping has changed over time (butchers, bakery, grocery shops, supermarkets, online shopping)
- Discuss how transport has changed over time.
- Discuss how games have changed over time.
- Practise simple stitching to join two pieces of material together.
- Begin looking at different types of materials, what they are used for and some of the properties of these materials.
Autumn 2
- Write all capital and lowercase letters correctly.
- Read and write Phase 2 and 3 tricky words from the word mat.
- Blend and segment sounds when reading and writing.
- Blend and segment sounds: ck, sh, ch, th, ng, wh, ai, ay, a-e, ea, ee, e, y, o, oa, oe, o-e.
- Begin to write short sentences, remembering the next word in the sentence.
- Add capital letters and full stops in the correct places in sentences.
- Form the digits 0-9 from the correct starting points.
- Read and recognize the numbers 0-20.
- Recognize and write numbers to 20 as words.
- Count on from any number using numbers up to 20.
- Count backwards from any number using numbers up to 20.
- Identify 1 more/1 less than any number up to 20.
- Add two amounts together accurately to find the whole (answer), e.g., 5 + 3 = ______ ______ = 5 + 3.
- Subtract two amounts accurately to find what is left, e.g., 8 - 2 = ______.
- Recognize and name 2D and 3D shapes.
Other Areas of the Curriculum
- Draw a representation of the four seasons.
- Talk to others about what happens during Remembrance.
- Make a poppy; feel free to bring it in to share with the class.
- Look at maps and find England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland.
- Identify mountains, rivers, and lakes on a map.
- Explore famous landmarks in each of the four countries in the UK.
- Look at features found on the UK coast.
If your child wants to share with the class what they have been working on at home, we are more than happy to do this when we have a spare few minutes. They can bring their work into school, and we can show it to the class. Please note that toys and keyrings should be kept at home.
Autumn 1
English skills
-Write own name with correct formation of capital letter and lowercase letters.
-Write all capital and lowercase letters correctly.
-Read and write tricky words; I, no, go, to, the, into, we, be, she, me, he, you, are, her, was, all, they, my.
-Blend and segment single phonemes (sounds) in short words.
-Blend and segment sounds ck, sh, ch, th, ng, wh, ai, ay, a-e, ea, ee, e, ea, y in words.
-Write a simple sentence using finger spaces.
-Write a sentence using 'and' and 'but'.
-Write a question using a question mark.
Maths skills
- Form the digits 0-9 correctly from the correct starting point.
-Read and recognise the numbers 0-10.
-Recognise numbers to 20 as words.
-Count objects accurately.
- Count out objects accurately from a larger amount.
-Sort objects into different groups and explain their reasons/thinking.
-count on from any number using numbers up to 10.
-1 more/1 less than any number up to 10 (can use a written number line for this or objects to practically add/take away from an amount.)
-Compare amounts and numbers using the language more than, less than, equal to (ask your child to count out 2 amounts up to 10 and then discuss/ask your child to compare the numbers always starting with the amount on the left).
-Observe how trees and plants can change throughout seasons.
-How does some trees change throughout the seasons, can you display this in a creative way?
-How does weather change throughout the seasons?
-Research the life of Walter Tull and the challenges he faced, what can we learn from him?
-Explore colour mixing, and how we can use colour to show different emotions.
-Can you look at a variety of maps? How do they use symbols?