The homework in Year 1 is to...
- read and ask/answer questions
- practise spellings set weekly
- (optional) practise skills below
Children can also log onto Busy Things, choose 'Favourites' and play any of the games shown. These are updated once new content has been taught.
A tricky word mat has been provided on this page for you to help your child learn to read and write the words. This can be done in many ways such as writing them into made-up sentences, a spelling quiz, spotting them around the environment or printing it out to stick on the fridge and focus on a few words for a few weeks!
Children can practise their handwriting by using the link above. Children need to be able to form capital letter, lowercase letters and numbers from the correct starting point. Please show your child how to form the letters/numbers if they are finding it tricky.
Skills in English
- use prefixes -un in words and create sentences
- use suffixes -ing, -ed, -er and -est in words and create sentences
- use and, but, because to join sentences together
- use exclamation marks and question marks correctly in writing
- use different sentence starters in sentences
Skills in Maths
- Tell the time to the hour and half past the hour
- recognise and know the value of coins and notes
- understand seconds, minutes and hours
If your child wants to share with the class what they have been working on at home, we are more than happy to show this when we have a few spare minutes. They can bring the work into school and we can put it in our basket ready to show others! Please note we do not show toys brought into school - these should be kept at home.