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0116 2415105 Arbor

‘Through God’s love, we are the rich soil where
roots grow and seeds flourish.’ Luke 8:4-15

Enabling children to flourish and succeed


Please check back regularly to see what we have been up to! Newer photos will be towards the top of the page. 

Sports day

Our plant walk for Science

Enjoying a well deserved treat. Year 2 have work SO hard this week, we are so proud of them

Performing Shakespeare in our very own Globe theatre

Mother's day craft morning

Dom and Harold came to visit us!

Our Christmas party

Ready for our Christmas dinner!

Elf day! Thank you for your donations

It's behind you! We had so much fun watching Peter Pen!

Looking very yellow and spotty for Children in Need!

Disco ready!

We have been learning about the history of our village, we went to the church to look at old and new features.


Still image for this video

Our first mystery reader!

For computing, we created a pictogram to show how we travelled to school

We played beanbag golf in PE. This helped us to master throwing overarm

Thinking about how we show emotions in Learning for Life

Exploring atlases in the shade
