Class Information
Our Class Timetable
Our PE days
Please could all children arrive at school already in their PE kits. They will need to make sure they have trainers, tracksuit bottoms/shorts, t-shirt and a jacket/jumper. Make sure earrings are removed and long hair is tied back for health and safety reasons.
Tuesday - Outdoor PE
(If the weather makes it unsafe for us to go outdoors then it will be replaced by an indoor activity in the classroom. E.g. Go Noodle, Mindfulness).
Fridays - Indoor PE
(We may go outdoors if the weather is appropriate).
School Library Days
Children will have the opportunity to borrow books from our lovely library on a rota basis to keep within our ‘bubble’ guidelines. Please find a timetable attached which shows when each class will have a chance to visit the library this Autumn term. Please make sure children remember to return their library book when it is our chance to visit.
Class Reading Books
Children in Year 6 will chose a book to take home and read to teachers in school.
Once they have finished this book, they are to put it inside the 'Returned reading books' box inside the classroom.
These will be kept inside the box and left untouched for at least a week before being put back on the class shelf.
When they return an old book, they are welcome to choose a new book to take home.
Reading diaries - Please make sure you sign your child’s reading diary in order for them to change their reading book. We want to encourage children to read as much as possible, as it is so beneficial for their learning in all areas of the curriculum.
Year 6's weekly test will be every Thursday. New spellings will be available online and in their spelling books on the same day. Spellings can be practised online throughout the week on using your child’s login details.
Times Tables
Our weekly times table test is every Thursday. Children will be given 100 times tables to complete in a time of 5 minutes. They should aim to either maintain or beat their score from the previous week. Children should use TTRockstars to practise and will be set battles or tables online on Your child will need to login with their own details provided from school.