Safeguarding Child Protection Policy
St Luke's C of E Primary School and Rise fully recognise the contribution we can make to protect children and support pupils in school. Our policies and practice reflect our commitment to safeguard and promote our pupils' welfare, safety and health by fostering an honest, open, caring and supportive climate. The pupils' welfare is of paramount importance.
We recognise the following four elements as pivotal to our responsibilities:
- Prevention (e.g. positive school atmosphere, teaching and pastoral support for pupils, safer recruitment procedures);
- Protection (by following agreed procedures, ensuring staff are trained and supported to respond appropriately and sensitively to Child Protection concerns);
- Support (to pupils and school staff and to children who may have been harmed or abused);
- Working with parents (to ensure appropriate communications and actions are taken).
Named staff for Child Protection
Designated Safeguarding Lead: Gavin Skye (Head of School)
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead/s: Gavin Skye (Head of School), Hanna Padam (Deputy Headteacher), Sukhpreet Chana (SLT), Cody Smith KS1 (SENCO)
Prevent Single Point of Contact (SPOC): Gavin Skye (Head of School)
Designated Teacher for Children in Care: Gavin Skye (Head of School)
Nominated Safeguarding Governor: Paul Wenman
Safeguarding and Performance Unit contacts: Simon Genders and Anne Prideaux
Rise Multi Academy Trust Central Team Safeguarding Leads
Trust Safeguarding Lead :Dave Ellison-Lee, CEO
Central Office address for queries or concerns:
Rise Multi Academy Trust, c/o St Peter and St Paul’s C of E Primary School, Upper Church Street, Syston, Leicester LE7 1HR
Chair of Directors: Stephen Adshead
Contacts of leading agencies in Leicestershire
Head of Service - Safeguarding and Performance Service
Kelda Claire 0116 3059084 / 07507686100
LADO / Allegations:
Kim Taylor / Lovona Brown 0116 305 7597
Safeguarding Development Officers:
Simon Genders 0116 305 7750
Ann Prideaux 0116 305 7317
First Response Children’s Duty (Leicestershire, Tier 4 Same-day referrals)
Telephone 0116 3050005
Address First Response Children’s Duty
Room 100b
County Hall
Championship Way
First Response Children's Duty, Leicester City
Telephone: 0116 4541004
or you may use the customer services centre on 91 Granby Street, LE1 6FB to call from a free telephone.
All other referrals including Early Help (Children & Family Wellbeing) Service
Early Help queries and Consultation Line: 0116 3058727
Preventing extremism in schools and children's service
If you think a child is at risk of extremism, then contact the following helplines
Telephone: 020 7340 7264
Useful Web Links